YWAM Aquaponics Interview, New YWAM Properties in Australia, UofN Workshop Testimony 1

This week we have an interview with Tim Bailey who is working on an aquaponics setup in Romania, we hear a devotion about the problem of fear from Markus Haesser from YWAM San Francisco, we will hear about two YWAM locations in Australia making the move into new properties, hear another testimony about why you should consider going to the next University of the Nations Workshop in Mexico, and more …


Devotion – The Problem of Fear

This week we get to hear from Markus Haeusser from YWAM San Francisco. He will share to us about the problem of fear…

Story referenced is found in 1 Samuel 13.

YWAM Aquaponics and Sustainable Ideas

Interview with Tim Bailey from YWAM Constanta in Romania…

Links we talked about during the interview:

New Location for YWAM TownsvilleYWAM Townsville New Location

YWAM Townsville will be moving into an old high school in the centre of town, and they hope to be in there by the end of the year. It’s about 3-times the size of their current location with offices, classrooms, meeting areas, and room for housing.

Read more on the local Townsville Newspaper.

YWAM South Australia New Building in Port Adelaide

New YWAM Adelaide Building

Find out more about their ministry on their web-site, ywamsa.com.

University of the Nations Workshop

Another testimony from a previous U of N Workshop participant, Rogerio Dos Santos.

Find out more about the University of the Nations Workshop that’s happening in Mexico this September at www.uofnworkshop.com.

YWAM India Children at Risk School

YWAM India Children At Risk School

YWAM Mumbai in India will be hosting the Children at Risk School from 2 September – 28 November.

The focus of this school is on children who have been placed at risk because of factors such as war, disease, poverty, exploitation, abandonment, disability, prostitution, human trafficking, and other forms of injustice. Students will be given an overview of the needs of at risk children, as well as insight concerning child development. An emphasis is made on intervention and working towards advocacy for children.

You can contact them to find out more about the school on their Facebook page.

YWAM Orlando School of Missions (SOM)

YWAM Orlando School of Missions

YWAM Orlando will be running their school of missions starting on September 26th, and then again in April and September of 2014. The School of Missions is designed to help students make the move into longer term missions work through the school’s lecture phase and field experience.

The school of Missions focuses on four skills that are common to all longer-term cross-cultural missionaries:

  • The ability to learn another language
  • To successfully cross a culture
  • To work well on a field team
  • To thrive in challenging environments

During the three month lecture phase of the school students will spend time preparing for a 12 – 24 month internship that would begin after the lectures are complete. There are three options for the internship phase, including:

  • Entering a field internship with an existing YWAM Orlando’s Vision 2020 team
  • Pioneering a new Vision 2020 field location
  • Partnering with other existing mission teams

You can find out more about the school and what’s involved on their web-site, ywamorlando.com.

Missional Woman’s Conference

YWAM Kansas city will be hosting a women’s conference September 20 – 22.

Missional Woman's Conference in Kansas City

The conference is free, with an offering being taken during the event. The speakers will be Karen Anderson, Diane Bickle, Christelle Baldovinos, and Laura Stark.

Some of the topics that will be covered during the conference will be:

  • Building Your Spiritual Legacy
  • Building your Family in the Word
  • Honouring Singleness
  • Cross-Cultural Ministry
  • Embracing Motherhood
  • Having a Vibrant Heart
  • How to Raise Kids who Love the Lord

You can find out more on the conference’s Facebook Event Page.

Inspire 2014 – Worship and Missions Conference at YWAM Tyler

March 7-9, 2014


YWAM Madison Fundraising Seminar

In March 2014 YWAM Madison will be running a one-week fundraising seminar. The workshop topics like:

  • The biblical basis for fundraising
  • Inspirational stories of God’s provision
  • How to develop and refine your vision/mission statement
  • How to develop a fundraising packet
  • How to set up fundraising trips
  • How to grow a support team
  • How to communicate with your support team (newsletters, blogs, phone, gifts, etc.)
  • How to maintain relationships with your donors

Since everyone in Youth With A Mission is a full-time volunteer, responsible for raising their own financial support and sponsorships, this seminar would probably be beneficial to anyone who is able to attend.

You can find out more on their web-site, ywammadison.org.

Find more resources about Support Raising by Terry Sherman.

YWAM News Podcast Episode 71Music from YWAM Perth School of Music in Missions

The song “Next Generation” by YWAM Perth’s School of Music in Missions, http://www.ywamperth.org.au/somm/.

You can download the song on their Facebook page.

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