
Afghanistan Response, Haiti Earthquake, Crisis in Mozambique

There is a lot happening around the world right now, and many ministries that Youth With A Mission is involved in. Today we are going to have a look at many locations including Afghanistan, Haiti, South Africa, and Mozambique, and we will also see some of the ministry that YWAM is doing to help feed the poor, build homes, and provide support for those who are affected by Covid. We will also look at two new books that have recently been released and explore some training opportunities that are available.

Message from Loren Cunningham to Businesses, Review of Jesus Film Mobile App, and New Training and Conference Opportunities 1 Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Email | RSS | MoreThis week we hear a message to businesses from Loren Cunningham, we review the Jesus Film mobile application and we talk about a few new training and conference opportunities that are coming up…